Thursday, October 22, 2009

Safewaygirl tip: What 10 for $10 *really* means

Last weekend, what started as a Safeway shopping trip with a few friends for some dinner items (we were cooking together :) turned into a full-blown Safewaygirl lesson after I realized some of the rookie mistakes my friend Eddie was making.  The most outrageous mistake: if an item is marked something like 10 for $10, you can almost always buy just 1 or 2 at the same sale price!

An easy way to check is on the store tag.  If it says something like "$1 each", you're golden.  No need to buy a year's supply of pasta today, just to get the discount!

This always used to be true at Safeway, but recently they've been getting sneaky.  The main exceptions to this rule are:
- milk (usually need to buy 2 for the discount)
- frozen dinners (need to buy 5)
- 12 or 24 packs of soda (varies)

Other than that, there's no reason to buy the full quantity they suggest.  Don't get tricked into buying what you don't need! 

If this tip helped you out, I'd love to hear :)  Happy saving!

Posted via email from Safewaygirl's safeway deals

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Safeway girl! I wish i knew this before buying 10 boxes of pasta.
