Friday, February 5, 2010

How to shop at Ranch 99, no Mandarin required.

Despite being white as can be, I navigate the aisles of my local 99 Ranch Market at least once a month, tiptoeing politely around the Chinese grandmothers and getting great deals on not only rice, sauces, and tasty asian foods, but on fresh fruits and veggies!  If you have ever made a stir fry, curry, or other asian-centric dish and did all your shopping at Safeway, you paid too much!

Here's the rule of thumb. It's not rocket science!
1) Anything that's remotely asian will be cheaper at Ranch 99.  
2) Anything that you could only find in the specialty/international aisle at Safeway will be WAY cheaper at Ranch.  Stock up there.
3) Stick to Safeway for American brands.

Here's a comparison of just a few items that are cheaper at Ranch.

Items that always seem to be on sale at Ranch:
- 15lb bag of rice: $11.99 (at Sfwy: $18.98 for only 10lbs)
- Tofu package: 89¢ each (at Sfwy: $1.25 or more)
- Canned coconut milk 79¢ each (at Sfwy: $1.50 or more)

Normally priced items at Ranch:
- Red peppers: $1.49/lb (at Sfwy: $1.99 normal price)
- Portabella mushrooms ~99¢ each (at Sfwy: $1.99 each)

Ranch stores are all over California, and apparently also in WA, NV, and TX.  Locations

Finally, a warning.  They have lots of very fresh meats and seafood, but if you are used to Safeway packaging and animal-food abstraction like me, it can be a bit scary!  Fortunately, I've always found that Ranch rewards the adventurous ;)  Happy shopping!

Posted via email from Safewaygirl's Safeway deals

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